Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is actually quite common among adults. Many adults have some form of gum disease but the effects can range from person to person. Periodontal disease can lead to serious problems with your teeth so it is important to know what causes periodontal disease and how you can prevent it from happening.
At A Shop For Smiles, we offer professional, compassionate periodontal disease relief, treatment, and care. We also aim to educate about periodontal disease so you can practice proper dental care at home. Let’s discuss the causes of periodontal disease and how to maintain healthy gums.
What Causes Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease begins with bacteria, mucus, and other particles in the mouth. These elements are constantly creating sticky, colorless plaque in your mouth. Luckily, plaque can be cleaned off your teeth through brushing but any plaque that sticks around will turn into tartar. Tartar can only be removed through a professional cleaning by a dentist or dental hygienist.
The longer plaque and tartar is in your mouth, the worse the problem can become. The bacteria that gets trapped on teeth will cause inflammation of the gums known as gingivitis. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease but if left untreated, it can become periodontal disease. Periodontitis causes the gums to pull away from the teeth and leave more room for bacteria to grow and eventually break down the bone.
Other Common Causes of Periodontal Disease
- Smoking: Periodontal disease is often more severe for smokers. Smoking leads to more tartar on the teeth and deeper periodontal pockets. It is recommended to quit smoking if you have gum disease.
- Fluctuating Hormones: The fluctuation of hormone levels causes the mouth changes in the mouth that can make gum disease more severe. Puberty and pregnancy can put more stress on your gums because of hormone changes in the body.
- Stress: Stress weakens your immune system and makes it harder for your body to fight diseases. This includes periodontal disease.
- Medications: Some medications lower the flow of saliva in your mouth. Saliva naturally protects your mouth from infections so it helps against the development of gum disease.
- Genetics: Some people are more susceptible to periodontal disease but it can still be prevented with proper oral care.
How to Treat Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease
Since gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease, in most cases, it can be reversed with daily brushing, flossing, and regular cleanings from a dentist. Brushing and flossing will be able to remove the bacteria that can get trapped in your gums and ensure that you avoid any buildup that could lead to periodontal disease.
Periodontal disease requires daily care at home and depending on the severity of your case, there are a number of treatments. Often, patients may require a deep cleaning method of scaling and root planing. These methods will remove the tartar above and below the gum line and remove rough spots on the roots of teeth where bacteria gathers.
A Shop For Smiles Offers Periodontal Care
We know what causes periodontal disease and offer relief, treatment, and care for our patients. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, contact us here or call us at 619.465.5252.